Tips on How to De-ice Your Garage to Driveway Transition

3 Great Ways to De-ice Your Garage to Driveway Transition

De-icing your garage to driveway transition is simple and easy when you use the right products combined with a little bit of elbow grease. Here are three great ways to de-ice your driveway that’ll protect your garage door and the concrete where your garage and driveway meet.


Shoveling your driveway is the best way to prepare for de-icing the driveway transition that leads to your garage. Carefully removing snow from the bottom edge of your garage door exposes the area where you’ll need to apply a noncorrosive and safe product to in order to prevent concrete and garage door damage.

Salt vs. Sand

Sand is a great way to keep your concrete and garage door safe even if you’re using other products to de-ice the entirety of your driveway. You can apply enough sand to provide traction by spreading it in a strip of about ten-inches on your driveway transition, then use the de-icing method of your choice on the rest of your driveway. If you decide to use salt, use it sparingly and only add it to the larger area of your driveway away from the garage transition since it can corrode concrete and cause damage to your garage door.

Natural Driveway Transition Solutions

Potassium acetate is a biodegradable substance that is non-toxic and non-corrosive that works sufficiently in small areas, making it a great choice for use on your garage to driveway transition. Surprisingly, cat litter is also a good natural alternative that provides traction and water absorption that won’t harm your garage door or your driveway’s concrete, and it’s safe to use around pets and children. A great selection of garage doors in Rhode Island is available with options that are perfect for any kind of weather.