Reasons Why You Should Implement a Door Upgrade on Your Garage

5 Reasons for a Garage Door Upgrade

Your family probably takes your garage for granted. It keeps your vehicle and belongings safe and is an important part of your home. However, if you’ve had the same old garage for years, it might be time for a door upgrade. There are five reasons why this should be a priority.

Door Upgrade for Security

A huge reason to upgrade your garage door is the safety and security of your family. This is especially true if you have a garage that is attached to your house. An older door that is worn out may not work as well and may be easier to break into, which threatens not only your car but everyone in your household as well.

Additionally, if you enhance your door, your garage will function better overall. This will keep everyone safer as the risk of accidents is greatly reduced.

Aesthetic Reasons

If your garage door gets an upgrade, it can benefit for aesthetic purposes. Your old garage door may look outdated and even dingy and unattractive. A new door can help to add curb appeal to your property and even raise its value. Even if you aren’t planning to sell your home anytime soon, this is always a plus.

It’s Too Noisy

A huge reason to remodel your garage door is that your old one is extremely noisy. A scraping, grinding or squeaking noise signifies that your garage door has problems and needs repairs. If it’s really old, it’s more worthwhile to look into the best new garage doors Rhode Island has to offer instead of getting a repair.

Your Garage Is Too Cold or Too Hot

If your garage is consistently too cold or too hot, improving your garage door is a good investment. An updated door has the right level of insulation to keep your garage toasty warm during the winter and comfortably cool during the summer.

Too Heavy to Manually Open

Today’s garage doors should weigh around 8 to 10 pounds, so they can easily be opened manually if necessary. If yours is many years old, it may be much heavier and difficult to maneuver. This is a good reason to upgrade your door just in case the opener malfunctions, or you lose it.