Rodent-Proof Garage Doors
Despite their small size, even a tiny mouse can do a surprising amount of damage to your garage and its contents. Whether they are chewing on wires, making a mess of your valuables, or destroying a supply of food, it is a worthwhile goal to keep rodents out of your garage. The most common means of entry is the garage door. Here are a few simple ways to rodent-proof your garage door and protect your home.
Make Sure Your Garage Door Is Properly Adjusted
One of the most common problems with garage doors is poor adjustment. When a garage door is out of alignment, there can be a gap left at the bottom of the door that will serve as a welcome entrance for unwanted pests. Depending on your garage door and the issue that is causing the misalignment, the process of correcting the issue can be very straightforward or quite complicated. Often, this is a job best left to an expert in garage door installation in Providence. If you noticed even a small gap along the bottom edge of your door when closed, make sure to correct the problem soon.
Install Skirting on Your Door
Even a properly adjusted door can still provide a small gap that allows rodents a chance to enter. A simple and effective solution is to install skirting along the bottom edge of the door. Typically, this takes the form of a rubber gasket which closes off the bottom gap. These seals have the added advantage of preventing leaves and dirt from entering your garage as well.
Seal the Edges of the Frame to Make It Rodent-Proof
Even if the bottom of your door is sealed, there can often be cracks left along the edges. Thus, using expanding foam to seal any apparent cracks around the frame of the door is a great way to rodent-proof your home. However, if tackling this as a DIY job, make sure to protect the tracks and mechanism of the door itself, or you may be in for a costly repair.