Why Garages are Preferable to Carports

Why Garages Are Superior to Carports

A homeowner who is looking to protect a car from the sun, rain or snow may be able to do so by adding a carport to their property. However, it is generally a better idea to add a garage or expand the one that is currently on your property. Let’s take a look at why a garage is often superior to a carport.

Carports Don’t Keep the Car Secure

A carport is nothing more than a covering for your vehicle. Although it won’t allow snow, rain or other debris to fall on it, it won’t stop anyone from taking the car. It also won’t stop anyone from breaking into the vehicle and taking something out of it if it isn’t secured properly. In many cases, a tarp or other heavy cover could provide the same amount of protection at a fraction of the cost.

Garages Provide You With Additional Storage Space

Perhaps the best reason to have a garage is the fact that it provides you with additional storage space. You can put your tools, lawn mower or woodpile in that space with plenty of room to spare for any vehicles that you or your family owns. While carports may be modified to create storage areas, it may cost more time and money than it is worth to do so.

Garages Can Add to the Value of the Home

When properly maintained, a garage door can add value to your home. If your garage door experiences water, pest or any other type of damage, call a garage door repair South Beach company right away. Someone will be able to diagnose and repair the problem in a timely manner and before it can spread to other areas of the home.